Mar 21, 2015

Wig Hunting...

One of the most popular questions that I get as an impersonator is:
"Is that your real hair?" The answer is always "yes, why yes it is!!" That's not because I grew it myself but because I bought it. The truth is, like most MJ impersonators, I wear a wig/hair piece. MJ had very unique hair regardless of what era you're shooting for. He always managed to make it his own and it was a very original look. This is one of the reasons it's hard to simply grow hair and try to make it look like his. It's easier to find the right hair, cut and style it as needed and TADA!!! Right? Nope. It's not that simple.
Finding the right wig has always been a big problem for me. You have to find the right texture, color, length and durability. I have always used human hair wigs because they provide a very natural look, natural movement and they're great to clean.

The downside to human hair wigs is that it's hard to predict their reaction to heavy sweat, constant cleaning and lights always shining on it, which will cause it to dry and frizz eventually. I've had a human hair wig last me 30+ shows and some have lasted only 2-5 shows because the hair itself was not resilient to the wear; it can be very frustrating. In addition, wig manufacturers are not consistent with their wigs so before you know it, they discontinue the "perfect" one and the hunt begins all over again.
Needless to say, for the new 2015 shows, I'm still in the process of finding the right one(s). While I still have previously used hair pieces, I think a new one is overdue. While looking for the right set of hair is my least favorite part of putting the aesthetics together, it's one of the most important ones next to costuming and makeup. The hair quality and look is what sets you apart from simply 'wearing a costume' to being a professional, high[er] caliber entertainer.
Until I find the right hair, I will continue my search in Minneapolis, Chicago, Atlanta and San Francisco. One of these cities must give in... And as long as I don't show up with a mop on my head when the curtains open in May, I think we'll all benefit.