Jul 24, 2011

HOT July, HOT Shows!

July has been a SUPER BUSY month for LEGACY Live.
We have been booked every weekend for shows which is quite awesome!!
We've performed at all types of events this month. We were hired to perform at the Twin Cities Open Ballroom Championships, local fundraiser and other private parties. They have all been so much fun!  Each one has their unique story. I love it.
Fundraiser (2011)
The last show for July is on the 30th and that is a large event; probably the largest in a long time. LEGACY Live will be doing a show at the Roseville Oval for a high school reunion. However, this is a crazy reunion. The reunion is supposed to be the largest high school reunion in the United States. The Guinness World Records will be there because they are expecting this event to have between 2,000-5,000 people. This is a reunion for one high school but it will be for a range of years; that’s why they expect so many people. The event will be a tented, outside event. LEGACY Live is performing with myself plus eight backup dancers. It’s going to be crazy in the membrane show!

2011 TCO Ballroom Championships 
Also, this month has been incredible for future shows as well. I’ve scored some pretty big deals for future shows  (which I’ll be talking more in depth about, soon). We’re talking full productions in summer of 2012. It’s pretty exciting stuff!

Next month doesn’t seem as busy but it’s nice because it’s a good time to reset from all the crazy weekends and refocus for what is coming our way.

Also, in July I launched the official YouTube Channel for LEGACY Live which will be FULL of videos ranging from 1998 to 2011. Yes, I am uploading some of the OLD SCHOOL stuff as well. It will be a nice treat for fans to see or relive those old shows as well as the newest ones.  


Jul 1, 2011

Pretty Big Deal Marketing Dilemma

I've hit a brick wall while preparing for some upcoming work.... 
I'm trying to make my mind on how to exactly  proceed with the marketing of LEGACY Live. I know how to market an entertainment product and sell it but I figured out I’m not good at changing gears with ease when it’s something that could change how people view LEGACY. 
2011 LEGACY Live Marketing 

In my experience, marketing has been the second biggest expense for LEGACY. It’s what exposes the product, the entertainment. In the past, we’ve marketed LEGACY as “LEGACY- A Tribute to the King of Pop”. Simple and clear! Today, It’s LEGACY LIVE Entertainment, LLC. This does not give away what it is. It says nothing about what we do unless you attach an image with it. The other dilemma is: what do I market along with LEGACY Live Ent.? Do I market Luis Castillo as Michael Jackson, The cast of… or a stage name that is easily marketable? i.e.  LC Jackson ? 
The stage name "LC Jackson" is a much easier name to market than Luis Castillo for the work I do.

This is really hard because I've never done this (impersonate Michael Jackson) for BUSINE$$ reasons. I've done this because I'm passionate  about it and it takes me places money can't. When you take that and add having to make "business decisions" puts a lot of pressure on the whole thing. It's not as relaxed...  
2011 LEGACY Live Marketing

I need to make decisions fairly quickly as the clock is ticking and some likely-to-happen, significant projects are headed my way. If I make the wrong choice I could potentially hurt the marketing plan and waste lots of resources. This is where I do my research and see how other “good within reason” MJ impersonators are marketing themselves and if it’s working out for them. If not, I come up with something slick and go from there.